Write for Slideson.com
We are seeking contributors and guest writers who would be interested in writing presentation and business-related posts for Slideson. Send us your title ideas and become a guest writer.
Why to be a guest writer?
- It’s free to post
- You will contribute to the community and help others
- Your post will be shared on our Facebook page and Twitter.
Article Guidelines
- Content must be unique and never published anywhere else before
- Write in US English
- The article should be at least 800 words long
- Use headings (H2-H3) in your text, as this helps structure the content
- The post needs to be informative, authoritative, and credible (not salesy)
- Always back your statistics and statements with proof from credible sources
- We do not accept Infographic submissions
External Linking Guidelines
- You are allowed 1 do-follow link in the article’s body
- All links need to be direct links. We do not accept affiliate links in guest posts
- Include outbound links only to authoritative case studies, reports, and supporting blog articles
- We reserve the right to remove any links we deem inappropriate, irrelevant, or only for the purpose of link-building
What kind of articles are we looking for?
- Presentation tips and advice, how-to tutorials for PowerPoint or Google Slides
- Business strategy and management
- We are looking to publish evergreen articles, so nothing specific on year or event. Seasonal content is fine
Submit a Guest Post
Submit more information about your post with the form below. Please share title ideas of the topics you could write about.
All promotional and non-relevant messages will be blacklisted immediately.